
Invertebrate Phylogeny is an exciting learning tool and is designed with you, the student, in mind. The dynamic program offers an introductory overview of invertebrate diversity and their interrelationships in a highly interactive environment. As you advance the program also provides in-depth information about invertebrates and stimulates scientific thought about the classification of invertebrates. The CD-ROM is simple to navigate because the invertebrate animals are organized on a central family tree depicting the interrelationships of the major groups and the major directions in which invertebrates have evolved.

This unique program summarizes each major group or phyla by providing for you, in a colour-coded system, easy-to-read information on general biology; habitat; classification; basic morphology; life cycles, biological importance, and references for further reading. Each phylum features a computer-graded, quiz and you can study the material time and time again, and at different levels of detail. Invertebrate Phylogeny offers you an interactive environment in which to learn about the fascinating world of invertebrate animals and is a suitable study tool for both the novice and expert students.