
Coral Reefs covers a wide variety of topics and could be used to complement any course on general biology, conservation, phylogeny, ichthyology, invertebrate or marine biology. As a resource on Coral Reefs, it gives comprehensive coverage of all aspects of reefs, and could be used as a stand-alone textbook. The CD is organised into 6 major sections covering different aspects of reefs: reef formation, reef types, reef distribution, reef communities, reef ecosystems, and reef degradation. Within each section, information is broken down into further clearly labelled categories. Overall, the CD ROM is simple to navigate and contains a wealth of information and extraordinary photographs that cannot be found in any other medium or product.

Features, such as global navigation buttons and dynamic navigation information displays allow the students to explore the interactive programme at their own pace and at various levels of detail. Each of the six major sections is accompanied by a computer-graded, self-quiz that enables the student to study and review the material time and time again. The CD also includes a multiplayer game which illustrates the challenges involved in coral reef management. The programme is designed for high school students, undergraduate students, and students studying marine biology, conservation, zoology and biodiversity. Coral Reefs is a groundbreaking programme that enhances in-class instruction and the student's educational experience.